We Have Listed The Top 10 Family Lawyers In Atlanta To Help You Choose The Best Professional For Your Needs.
Address: 101 Marietta Street NW Suite 3650 Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-963-9452
Website: https://www.atlfamilylawgroup.com/
If you are reading this page, you are probably facing a life-altering family law issue. You've reached your breaking point. Something has to change. You have some concerns. You don't know what to expect. You're afraid of what life after this will look like. What will the future hold? You're wondering what next steps should be. We understand what you're going through. We will stand by you and walk you through your case every step of the way.
We get it.
At Atlanta Family Law Group, we handle a wide range of family law matters. Our services are specifically tailored to address the individual needs of our clients. Our clients become family. You are not just another case to us. Our team genuinely cares about the impact that a family law matter has on our clients and their families.
We understand that family law cases are not just legal matters but involve complex emotional, psychological, and financial aspects that may influence the entire process. We not only provide legal advice, but the emotional support that you need to help you and your children get through this successfully, while preserving these relationships when you come through on the other side.
We know that restructuring your family through a divorce or custody case is a perplexing life event. We understand the stress that you are under when facing a divorce or custody matter. Everyone experiences these things in a different way. In our initial meeting, we listen. We listen to what your goals are and ascertain what is most important to you. We want to know your hopes, your fears and most importantly, your goals and expectations. We want to know what you need from your attorney and what you may need from other professionals who can become a part of your team to help you through this transition.
We acknowledge that contentious and protracted litigation may not be right for every family, so we discuss alternative methods of resolving your disputes during our client strategy sessions. However, we realize that in some instances, it is necessary to fight to obtain the justice and results that our clients deserve. Our firm is results oriented, that is why each representation is started with a focus on our client's goals.
Address: 38 Old Ivy Rd NE Atlanta, GA 30342
Phone: 770-854-0777
Edwards Family Law is one of the most unique, dynamic and revolutionary family law firms in the state of Georgia. These are just a few of the things that make us different from other law firms:
Our flat fee structure will be clearly set out in our retainer agreement. If you ask most attorneys the inevitable question “How much is this going to cost me?”, the answer will be some variation of “I don’t know.” We got really tired of saying “I don’t know.” After over a decade practicing family law, who should know better how much a case should cost – the client or us?
Is your attorney still mailing you forms to fill out? Have you missed a court date because the mail was late or misdirected? At Edwards Family Law, we use cutting-edge technology to handle our cases and communicate with our clients.
Family law matters can be especially time-sensitive; therefore, all documents and correspondence received are scanned and uploaded to the secure client server the same day for their review.
All pleadings are sent to the client for review prior to filing. We have converted all court-required forms to electronic format, so the client can type their answers and e-mail back to our office.
This automated process allows for quick handling of cases, and reduces the clients’ overall costs. Our office is committed to paperless efficiency, and to providing our clients with the timeliest updated feedback available through e-mail and e-communications.
24/7 Access to File — Now Available
Did you lose that important court document that we sent you? Did your computer crash and all of your documents disappeared? Is it the weekend, and you need to remember what your parenting time is immediately? Edwards Family Law has launched Clinked®, a revolutionary server that allows clients access to their file 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from wherever there is an internet connection. Your life moves at the speed of light. Shouldn’t your law firm?
Each of our clients has their own server, which is instantly updated with a pdf of a document the instant our office receives it. We can do this because all of our staffmembers have state-of-art computers, scanners and printers all at their desks. (Ask the other firms if you will get your own server, or if they will just email you documents at will or – worse – mail them to you.)
Address: 2964 Peachtree Rd., Suite 610 Atlanta, GA 30305
Phone: 404-565-0641
Website: https://www.thesolomonfirm.com/atlanta-family-attorney/
Family law is a broad area of law encompassing all the legal issues touching family relationships. The Solomon Firm is skilled and experienced handling all these issues, ranging from marriage and divorce to child custody and support matters. Beyond understanding how Georgia law impacts family situations, we recognize that family disputes and changes to the family dynamic have a significant emotional impact on those involved. Any conflict affecting family members can trigger depression, anger, and confusion, causing poor decisions and bad judgment. Our Atlanta family attorneys offer clarity, support, and strong representation during difficult times, ensuring you have the right tools to resolve issues quickly and correctly—in a manner that benefits you now and in the future. Read on for more information about our family law practice areas.
Today, marriage and divorce are common experiences for most people. Of the nearly 90% of people who marry, about half get divorced. But commonality and frequency do not make divorce any less painful for those going through it. At The Solomon Firm, we provide strong representation through divorce and all its accompanying issues.
Working out a fair and satisfactory child custody arrangement can be one of the most difficult aspects of divorce, especially when parents disagree about visitation schedules and other issues. Down the road, a change of custody may be necessary and beneficial. Family law attorney Tricia Solomon is knowledgeable in all areas of Georgia child custody law.
In Georgia, child support is determined by a legal formula based on income, family size, and other factors, so determining how much child support you will be required to pay or entitled to receive is reasonably predictable. However, legal issues arise when child support isn’t paid or isn’t used appropriately. We can help with any child support issue you have.
Alimony—also referred to as spousal support or spousal maintenance—is money paid to a former spouse by the other former spouse for the purposes of financial support. Generally, under Georgia law, alimony is only authorized in limited situations upon divorce, and it is meant to be rehabilitative. Our family lawyers help clients in all types of alimony matters.
When it comes to property division upon divorce, Georgia is an “equitable division” state. This means all marital property acquired during the marriage is subject to division. Unsurprisingly, disputes often arise regarding property division and what is “equitable.” The Solomon Firm helps clients assert their rights in property division proceedings.
Address: 101 Marietta Street Suite 3500 Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Phone: 404-688-8810
Website: https://www.ksfamilylaw.com/
We pride ourselves on having the ability to handle complex family law litigation without losing sight of the smaller, emotionally- fraught details that often mean the most, at the end of the day, to the people we represent.
The firm’s family law practice encompasses divorce, child custody/ parenting time, child support, paternity, legitimation, pre and post nuptial agreements, separate maintenance and modification and enforcement of those issues.
The purpose of an initial consultation is to provide you with a level of comfort and knowledge as to how Georgia law may apply to your particular domestic situation and what you may expect throughout the process.
Find answers to the questions that are most frequently posed by our clients who are encountering family law issues.
You have arrived at a decision: you want a divorce, or you are seriously thinking about it. Or perhaps your spouse has made that decision for you, and now you are forced to think about how to protect yourself.
Regardless of who initiated it, the decision to divorce is rarely a sudden one. Perhaps when you look in the mirror each morning, you say to yourself, "I need to get out of this marriage. It is no longer working, and it is beyond repair. I need to start a new life." Or maybe your spouse has made that decision for the both of you. One thing is certain-we all want to stay in love forever. However, this is not always the reality. In fact, nearly 50 percent of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce. Nobody wants to be part of this statistic; nevertheless, when all hope for reconciliation is gone, sometimes divorce is the only avenue for recapturing the life you deserve.
You owe it to yourself and your family to be fully prepared, so don't wait to contact us. With decades of family law experience on your side, you can rest easier knowing that you have the support you need to retain what is most important to you and move on with your life. We are standing by to help you, so don't hesitate to contact us to schedule a consultation with us today. Call us at (404) 688-8810 or fill out a contact form to get started.
Address: 3621 Vinings Slope Suite 4300 Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Phone: 770-723-7211
Website: https://theatlantafamilylawfirm.com/
The Edwards Law Group is an experienced family law firm based in Atlanta. Family law is not what your attorney thinks is best or easiest. It’s about finding solutions that will work for you and your loved ones.
With over 15 years of experience guiding clients through Georgia’s divorce process, veteran Attorney V. Joy Edwards helps you understand all your options.
Our primary goal is to help you reach a solution that meets your needs whether through litigation or mediation.
Our Atlanta Family Law firm is committed to advocating for Georgia families. The Edwards Law Group works to find solutions that will work best for you and your loved ones.
Learn why Former Heavyweight Boxing Champion, Evander Holyfield and other Metro Atlantans choose the experienced litigation expertise of Atlanta Family Law Attorney V. Joy Edwards.
Get help with your Atlanta divorce, child custody, child support, estate planning and other family law needs.
Get The Help You Need With Your Child Custody Case in Atlanta
Although it is often difficult for parents to step away from their own pain, child custody needs to be based on the children’s best interests.
Divorce and child custody can be very complicated. It is our job to help you handle what can often be the most stressful time of your life.
If you are at a point where you are contemplating divorce, work with an experienced Atlanta divorce attorney
When your family is jeopardized, turn to an experienced family law attorney.
At The Edwards Law Group, we are dedicated to protecting the interests of Georgia families.
Regardless of the structure of your family, we provide the compassionate, dedicated representation you deserve.
Address: 3490 Piedmont Road, N.E. Suite 600 Atlanta, GA 30305
Phone: 404-460-4500
Statistics indicate that almost 50 percent of all marriages in America end in divorce. Due to the far-reaching implications and consequences surrounding divorce in today’s culture, it has become mandatory that each party obtain competent legal counsel and guidance. Kupferman & Golden, Attorneys at Law, provides that much-needed counsel and representation for people seeking a divorce or involved in other domestic law matters.
Because of the emotions and frustrations involved, every family law matter brings unique circumstances and personalities to the table. Every client is different. Judges and family law professionals in the various county courts have different expectations and philosophies about what is in the best interest of the families involved. Therefore, it is our firm’s long-standing policy to initially meet with you, at no financial charge, in order to personally evaluate your case. Your attorney will take the time to listen to your concerns and advise you of the divorce or other domestic relations process in your particular jurisdiction.
Kupferman & Golden, Attorneys at Law, believes that a well-informed client is better able to make important decisions that will affect his/her family’s rights and financial interests — not just a month after the divorce, but years into the future. With a lawyer from Kupferman & Golden on your side, an entire legal team is there to advise you on the various legal, economic and other factors in order to help you attain your goals. Our firm believes that there is no substitute for preparation, the single most important factor to influence the outcome of the divorce proceeding! And when your family law matter presents you with options and decisions, you can be confident that you are prepared to better understand all of the various legal, economic, and other changes that you face.
The attorneys and staff at Kupferman & Golden understand that divorce and other related family law matters must be considered as one of the most trying, stressful and emotional periods of time in an individual’s life. Our firm will never forget — or minimize — the trust that you place in us, to help you through this difficult period.
Address: 1775 The Exchange, Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30339
Phone: 678-326-4611
Website: https://www.kflawllc.com/family-law/
At KF Law, LLC, our capable team of divorce and family law attorneys have focused their talents, experience, and honed legal skills on resolving cases in this practice area for decades. We understand the difficulties you may be facing when dealing with the ending of a marriage or any family law matter. Family relationships form the foundation of our lives and these legal issues commonly break those foundations forcing decisions that we are often unprepared to make. When faced with having to resolve your divorce or family law matter, you may be understandably anxious, uncertain, and upset in various ways. This is especially true for parents involved in divorce and post-divorce matters concerning their children.
Our firm is here to provide you with the legal and emotional support you need at such a critical juncture in your life. Our team is dedicated to delivering compassionate assistance that will equip you with the understanding and ability you need when navigating divorce and family law matters. Our extensive experience in this field is enhanced by the strong background we bring to the table in understanding complex financial matters. This can make a strategic difference in marital asset division, prenuptial contracts, and other family law concerns. While we strive to resolve disputes efficiently and cost-effectively through negotiations outside of court, you can rely on our team’s strong trial skills should your case require litigation.
Our divorce and family law team has a proven track record of successful results that is reflected by the many referrals we receive from satisfied clients. We are committed to bringing you the genuine care you need when facing the challenges of resolving your divorce, custody, or other family law issue. While we are never afraid to take any case to trial, we will always attempt to settle your issue through more efficient methods that can reduce cost, stress, and duration. When facing the confusing issues of how Georgia law and the courts will view your legal matter, we urge you to turn to KF Law, LLC.
Address: 3350 Riverwood Parkway Suite 2300 Atlanta, GA 30339
Phone: 770-766-8148
Website: https://www.warnerbates.com/family-law/child-custody/
The sensitive issue of child custody is frequently one of the most emotional and challenging aspects of a contested divorce. Tensions run at their highest when divorcing parents cannot agree on custody arrangements. Our firm can help.
Warner Bates leads the legal profession in supporting parents engaged in a custody battle. The depth and breadth of our experience and dedication to divorce and family law, and specifically custody disputes, is unmatched. If you would like to schedule a consultation with an Atlanta child custody lawyer regarding your case, we would love to help.
All US states operate under the Uniform Child Custody Act (UCCA), which is designed to eliminate inter-state child custody issues. During child custody battles, most courts try and ensure that the children are able to see both parents and aim for a custody agreement that allows both parents to develop and maintain a strong relationship with the children (with the exception of cases where a parent is a danger to the child).
It's important to note that sometimes, even if a parent has sole custody and physical custody of their children, they may not have total legal custody of their children.
Like divorce cases, many child custody cases are settled out of court. In situations where both parents are estranged and cannot come to a compromise, the case will be resolved in court. However, in cases where the parents are on decent terms and are willing to work together to determine a custody arrangement, most courts would prefer to have child custody cases resolved by a mediator or the parents’ attorneys.
Address: 2860Church St, Atlanta, GA 30344
Phone: 678-909-1936
Website: https://atlfamilyimmigrationlaw.com/
Whether you need help with a divorce or a child custody matter, have a landlord-tenant issue or are trying to obtain citizenship or get a visa, we can help. Let us help guide you on your next step.
We help individuals and families navigate the treacherous waters of family law and immigration. We are your fierce advocates of justice, determined to fight for you every step of the way.
Going to court and dealing with laws and judges and court hearings can be extremely draining. You have a lot on the line when you are talking about family law and immigration.
The procedural rules of court are just as important as the facts of the matter. One mistake in how you file or present information to the court can sabotage your family law case or visa approval status, which can be more than devastating and potentially take years to recover from.
Attorney Judith Montgomery and the law firm of Atlanta Family and Immigration Law can help you navigate this difficult, stressful time and give you peace of mind and the best outcome possible.
Attorney Judith Montgomery and the law firm of Atlanta Family and Immigration Law can help you navigate this difficult, stressful time and give you peace of mind and the best outcome possible. Attorney Judith Montgomery and the law firm of Atlanta Family and Immigration Law can help you navigate this difficult, stressful time and give you peace of mind and the best outcome possible. Attorney Judith Montgomery and the law firm of Atlanta Family and Immigration Law can help you navigate this difficult, stressful time and give you peace of mind and the best outcome possible.
When dealing with legal issues involving your marriage and your family, we want you to know that you’re not alone. The Atlanta Family and Immigration Law team is here to help you in these tender and tumultuous times. We’ll provide you with the fierce advocacy and representation you need to take on everything from support and custody issues to property division, counseling, and family formation matters. From day one until everything is settled, we’ll be by your side. Trust us to handle your case with compassion and respect, and help you achieve the best possible outcome.
Address: 3560 Old Milton Pkwy, Alpharetta, GA 30005
Phone: 678-798-8093
Website: https://atlantadivorcelawgroup.com/atlanta-family-law/
When you consider the area of family law, you might think of divorce and other adult issues. In actuality, this area of law covers a wide variety of matters to do with families, children, and parental rights.
In addition to the dissolution of marriage, an Atlanta family lawyer can assist you with child custody and support orders, adoptions, and even name changes. For any kind of family-related legal issue, retaining a dedicated attorney may be in your best interests.
As there are many subsections of family law, there are also several types of adoptions. Couples may choose to adopt a child through a private agency or a state entity, but blood relatives or stepparents can officially adopt a child as well through specific procedures.
Blood relatives and family members related by marriage may adopt children under Official Code of Georgia §19-8-7. If the child is 14 years of age or older, however, they must give their written permission before they can be adopted.
According to state law, the list of qualified family members who may adopt children includes the child’s grandparents. A capable Atlanta family attorney may have had experience with child adoptions by relatives and could offer further guidance.
When a mother or father marries someone new, their children may develop a bond with the new spouse. Per O.C.G.A. §19-8-6, stepparents may adopt the children of their partner in marriage. However, stepparents in Atlanta may only legally adopt the children of their spouse when the other natural parent relinquishes their rights to them in writing or passes away.
When making legal decisions concerning youth, Atlanta courts are required to put the best interests of the child first. This philosophy has been memorialized by O.C.G.A. §15-11-26.
In cases regarding child custody and visitation, as well as those concerning child support, the tribunal may use its discretion to consider several factors for the benefit of the children. These considerations include the ages and developmental levels of the children, as well as their need for continuity in their lives. An experienced family lawyer in Atlanta could leverage their expertise with child custody and support issues to help a parent pursue an optimal outcome for themselves and their family.Children of Atlanta families may need a new last name after a significant life event such as adoption. Accordingly, parents may file a petition for a name change on behalf of their children with the Atlanta courts.